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Angela Groeneveld

Business Coach and Business Disaster Recovery Specialist

It’s the economy. There’s too much competition. My customers can’t find my business. My lease is too expensive. I can’t find good employees. I can’t afford to advertise. My community doesn’t support me.

Do any of these lines sound familiar? They’re easy to brush off as mere excuses, but guess what? They’re 100% valid - every single one of them. Any one of these challenges can be concerning; any combination of them can seem insurmountable.    

Now for the good news: they don’t have to define you or your business.

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The journey to success begins with self-discovery. Just ponder that statement for a second. What is your vision? What is your voice? What are your values? What spark are you searching for to reignite your enthusiasm?

The Emerge Agency Method will help you find the answers. Angela’s goal is not to tell you how to operate your business, but rather guide you towards a framework that will work for you. Rediscover your passion, take action, and watch the results emerge. 

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“Am I ready to see this through?” Do you have the passion to make this happen? That’s what it all comes down to. Assess your business; examine your market, your product, and where you stand both financially and emotionally. Most importantly, be honest with yourself. 

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“Will this action produce the results I seek?’ A clear vision will help you determine the best path, so choose your first step carefully. Stay focused - you might have an endless list of ideas, but for now pick just one - and take action.

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“What am I waiting for?” Make it happen - it’s as simple as that. Waiting time is over - you have a clear mind, a solid plan, and the passion to drive it all forward. Generate the results you want to see. 


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Case Studies

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SERVICE PROVIDED Executive Coaching RESULTS Business Doubled in 2019

After working tirelessly to improve the lives of residents and businesses in over 500 communities across North America, Doug Griffiths retired from the political arena in 2015 to invest his leadership experience into his newly-formed company, 13 Ways. However, even with a wealth of firsthand knowledge, he often felt he lacked a clear path towards his goal.

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SERVICE PROVIDED Business Coaching RESULTS Sales Increase

Before reaching out to Emerge Agency Bobbie-Jean felt, like many small business owners, that the organizational demands of her company were becoming more and more difficult to manage. As an endless list of responsibilities continued to pile up she realized that she needed much more than energy, enthusiasm, and hard work to succeed - she needed a plan.

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Let’s Spark Together!


Together we can explore the endless possibilities to the rebirth of your business.